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An Angel Told Me So
This amazing collection of messages and teachings dictated directly from spirit teachers/angels from the other side compose Wilma Jean Jones’ book “An Angel Told Me So.” The depth and quality of these messages and teachings received and the personal nature of this material engages and allows readers to feel they also are being spoken to on a level that reflects what they are personally experiencing and speaks to the heart of those willing to accept the divine nature of this deep and thought provoking material. This body of material not only offers proof of the existence of a spiritual realm outside this physical plane, but presents communications in the form of messages and teachings dictated directly from spirit teachers/angels who inhabit this spiritual realm.
These messages and teachings received by Wilma Jean appear to be woven with a universal thread that speaks directly to all sincere seekers of truth on a personal level as each reader feels that they are being addressed as they deal with what is transpiring in their lives. As you read this material know that you too are being spoken to directly by the spirit teachers/angels inhabiting this realm and that these messages and teachings are intended for your guidance and the advancement of your purpose in this existence. Know that as you read this material these teachings apply to your situations and that you are not alone as you walk your chosen path. Note the numerous first person references of these spirit teachers to themselves as “we,” “our,” and “us.” The depth and quality of these messages and teachings are unlike anything you have ever read before.