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Wilma TV Interview

An Angel Told Me So

Wilma Jean Jones’ guest appearance on the television show “Free to Be Me”

Below is another excerpt from her book “An Angel Told Me So”. This message received from a spiritual teacher contains a teaching that Wilma references in her television interview. The next to the last line in the message begs the question, “Who are the others and where is here?” This message is signed, Your loving Guide.

Message received April 1, 1979 (Sunday Morning)

There is a resurrection period through which man must travel in order to come into the realm of things God-like. You are to consume and digest all that is given here as this comes from one highly qualified to meet the needs of this generation. You are not the sole property of yourselves. God still holds the everlasting command over your being, and in Him must one take refuge. You are to be considered as one who has been stripped of all belongings and left to die by the wayside. In this manner are you then open to any help that would be forthcoming. You are by your very nature ones who would depend on your own intellect to carry you through, however, by giving of your soul into the hands of God, do you prosper and develop more freely into that which denies the outcome of some situations, knowing full well that it is the hand of God leading and directing you so that you may arise victorious in the end.There is never a time when you will be without the Father nor His ever loving approaches to see that you follow the path that directs you homeward. Take note that we say homeward, as your heavenly Father so resides in that vast insurmountable environment of time and space, so shall ye abide in joint communication with Him by the grace with which He covers you and by your ability to accept this grace and use it for your own development. There are others here who wish to make themselves known to you, so I will step aside for this time. My love and devotion follows you as you trod onward but ever faithful to you goal. – Your loving Guide